
Mistakes People Make While Using Shea Butter For Whitening?


Shea butter, a beauty boon we are blessed with through nature, is one of the most popular items used in a number of beauty products. The reason is that it does not have any side effects. Moreover, the consistency makes it one of the best moisturizers which are also organic. It does not make the skin greasy at all. There used to be a time when it was only available in Africa as it is extracted from karite nut but since the beauty industry has made us realize its importance, Africa is more than happy to share this natural boon with us.

One of the biggest fallacy attached to shea butter is that it makes the skin dark. However, if you research well, you will find out that it is one of the most beneficial whitening agents. There are a number of mistakes people make while using it which makes it seem like a tanning product. Here are a few of them:

• Using Shea Butter and Playing in Sun- This might be the biggest beauty sin you will ever make. It is a big NO because the whitening effect of shea butter will never work in sunlight. Most of the whitening treatments also prevent you to go out. Why? Because the whole treatment goes to waste. If you want to see the shea butter whitening effects, apply it during the night and go to sleep so that it may work in your skin while it is resting, this way you will get faster results.

• Using Impure Shea Butter- Why can’t you use anything other than unrefined shea butter? Because most of the healthy nutrients are stripped off when refining the shea butter. It is then like any other drugstore product which will moisturize your skin. There are some brands which sell shea butter preserved with those nutrients which fasten the whitening effects but such customized shea butter for whitening are hard to find.

• Get it off properly- Though shea butter does not clog the pores, it is still important to take it all off in the morning. It is like any other moisturizer which has a property of holding dust or other impurities on to skin for a long time. If this dust along with shea butter is left on the skin for a longer period of time, it can clog the pores resulting in acne and other skin problems. We can say that this is not a flaw in shea butter but a mistake at your end. You can simply wash it off or use a gentle exfoliator for removing the dust accumulated on the skin.

Shea butter has the essential fatty acids which are helpful in lightening the skin tone. Moreover, the whitening nutrients are found in abundance in this all-natural moisturizer. Women in Africa use it for many hyperpigmentation treatments. It can be used with other natural products such as essential oils. These oils can fasten up the results so you can even achieve a supple and clear skin.

Krist S
Very eager to view the world in my own perspective.